
It’s been a rough year for us, and I don’t expect to climb out of our difficulties any time soon, nor quickly. But my Hope, my Peace, my Joy, and my Love are all in Christ, and I really must depend on Him utterly in these times of trials. The thing though, is that it was always true, trials or not. It’s just that the trials bring it front-and-center and demand a response of faith.

Christmas 2024

The artificial glow too dim to banish murky gloom.
The darkness of a cloudy night falls thick on lamplit streets;
But still at times the sky lets through a silver moonlight gleam;
A ray of light for troubled souls on which their Hope may bloom.

As quiet as the night may seem, when fears in corners lurk,
The daily care of living builds a strain with no surcease.
While blinking colored lights may bring a smile or fleeting cheer,
The trappings of the season never grant a lasting Peace.

When children play in open fields, their laughter rings like bells,
Their glee unflagging whether snow or flowers at their feet.
But age and toil erode the smiles and mem’ries start to fade fade;
And Joy that once seemed boundless ne’er again feels quite complete.

A mother knows both fear and bliss, and countless in-betweens,
A father feels both ire and pride for youth both small and grown;
A parent gives all that they can, whatever ways they’re able,
And earthly gifts, imperfect, truly shine where Love is known.

The Hope that grows in darkest night from heaven came to earth,
The Peace past understanding in a helpless Baby lay;
The Joy unbounded, unrestrained, unfading came to all …
The Love that brings us all these things was born on Christmas Day.

Our Christ, Who brought us all these things was born on Christmas Day.

Copyright 2024, David B Hawthorne. All rights reserved.
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