Paradigm Shift

I started this blog years ago for two reasons: to teaching myself how to install, set up and customize blogs on my web site, and to provide a place to practice writing. I never advertised it much, except for the pings built in to the blogging software and the occasional trackback. It was a private party, and only myself was invited (though a few others did show up and were welcomed). I did entertain thoughts of going public once I had amassed a significant number of posts, but I never did, and the posts fell off as well. But while I was writing with that in mind, I tried to keep my posts non-controversial and somewhat religion-neutral. Eventually, I thought I would be done playing with it, and would just take it down.

Sometime last year, I switched the pretty-much-defunct blog from a Moveable Type platform to WordPress. Again, I was experimenting; but in the process, I had to look over my old posts. And I decided that though I had been ready just to pull the plug altogether, I didn’t really want to consign those posts to oblivion. I wanted to give it another try. So I started posting again. Not very much, but more than I had been.  But I was lacking motivation, and I had a lot of other things on my plate. It was looking like round two was going to end a lot like round one did.

But something changed. I had been writing columns for my church newsletter, and that venue went away. But I didn’t want to give the column writing up. So, I decided I will revive this blog once again. I will be shifting from religion neutral to speaking about issues of faith and my own beliefs. I’m going to start that process by advertising the blog and letting people look over my older posts. Then, I will begin re-posting some of my newsletter columns. I have a few years worth, but I’m not going to flood the blog with them all at once; I will, however start putting selected columns up at a regular pace, and will mix in newer material as well.

Chances are, many of you who are reading this post came as a result of my advertisements. I welcome you, and invite you to register and comment on the existing material, and the things I post in the future.

I hope you enjoy my musings.

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